专利: 沙门氏菌噬菌体编码的一种蛋白及其作为革兰氏阴性菌裂解酶的应用 Patent:A kind of protein encoded by Salmonella phage and its application as a gram-negative bacteria lysin
专利:细菌裂解酶及其应用 Patent: Bacterial Lysins and its application
已实现技术转让:裂解酶技术授权 Transfer of technology:The technical authorization of a lysin
工具开发:裂解酶挖掘系统 Tool development:The lysin prediction pipeline 程序地址/The GitHub address: https://github.com/hzaurzli/lysin_prediction
专利:一种人工合成的噬菌体衍生肽SEYT1及其应用 Patent:A kind of artificially synthesized phage derived peptide SEYT1 and its application